2024 Blog goals - 1/1/2024
Writing goals for the new year
2024 Blog goals
I’ve recently realized that I need to write a lot more. I have a lot of ideas for content / apps / research / investments but i’d say only ~10% of it ends up as written word. This year I want to change that by being obnoxiously well-documented. I haven’t had a consistent blog since my AoPs days, so I decided to restart one. Here are some things I want to write about:
Consciousness / Meditation
There’s honestly not enough content explaining meditation for ‘modern’ audiences. I also want to write about my experiences/theories of consciousness in case it can be useful to anyone.
Technology + Design
I build a lot of software and used to build a lot of hardware. I’m also getting into design, although for both design and software I tend to find the best people to collaborate with rather than being some 10x ubermensch. That being said as I learn I may post some of my learnings.
I’m a pretty good investor and have a semi-systemic approach. As I study markets more I definetly
Book Reviews
I read a lot of books, and I want to post some short ones a la Marginal Revolution
It’d be pretty dope to live to 120 and want to document my process
Language Learning
My gf is currently teaching me Hindi so I want to document the process haha
Obviously this list as long as hell and there’s no one one person can feasibly write about all of them. I expect this blog to narrow its focus as I write more. This year I’m going to make between 10 - 200 posts, and I hope by the end of it I’ll have written a few things worth reading.